Note: Watch video before reading text below.
- Now concept of logic building is not so complex and not so simple.
- We will not work on how to make logic program in C ?
- We will study how to build complex logic in SQL, .NET, JAVA or any other major technologies in market.
Main Part:
- Main part in logic building under all technologies is LIBRARY DEFINED FUNCTIONS.
- This is the main thing I will explain you with different examples in complete lecture.
Example to cover:
- Note: Example will be common for Java too just syntax changes. Purpose of these example is to show you how to make complex logic easily.
- SQL library defined functions.
- C# library defined functions.
Different SQL library defined functions:
- Row_number()
- Rank()
- Dense_Rank()
- Year()
- Month()
- Substring()
- CharIndex(), etc
Different .NET library defined functions:
- .Contains()
- .Where()
- String.Concat()
- .Count
- .Length
- .toUpper()
- .toLower()
- .toString(), etc
So start learning:
- Library defined function. You just need to know what this function do. Don’t have cram to learn. Just remember, what function do ?
- Because if you will face any task which has task which match definition of function then you can make easy and right code.
Data Structure:
- Do practice general sorting and searching function. They will help you in logic building. But now use library defined functions to do that for you.
- Example….
- Orderby(), contains(), etc.
- When you are on advance programming platform, then stop using basic programming approach. Make optimized code. Which is easy to understand and more meaning full.
- Hope this lecture will help you in learning logic building.